DHEA became famous not because of any study showing that it causes massive increases in muscle size and strength. This happened in the case of creatine and HMB. Rather, DHEA became popular because it became AVAILABLE. In the mid-90s, DHEA was placed in the middle by the FDA: it wasn’t really a drug, but it didn’t fall into the category of supplements either; this until the law issued in 1994 by DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act). This law allowed prohormones like DHEA to be sold as nutritional supplements. DHEA is an interesting product, but it is not the type of supplement that excites me. It produces an increase in testosterone levels especially in adult women and men whose body no longer produces normal levels of DHEA naturally.ASPECTS AND PROPERTIES OF DHEADozens of companies now sell DHEA. It is claimed that in addition to increasing mass and muscle strength, it would cure cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, burn fat, extend life span. But what does DHEA really do? DHEA is an androgen hormone produced by the adrenal glands. There are two metabolic pathways by which testosterone production is stimulated. The body starts to secrete DHEA from the age of 7, and the maximum secretion occurs around the age of 20-24. After this, DHEA levels drop by about 20% every decade. After 70 years, the values ​​are at approximately 10% of the maximum level. Indeed, DHEA is a substrate for a multitude of purposes, from the production of cellular energy to the burning of fats and the development of muscle mass and strength. Studies on oral DHEA are recent. Only 5 years ago, researchers began to observe the therapeutic effects on patients affected by various diseases. To a lesser extent, it has been studied in healthy people. One of the most interesting studies examined the administration of 50mg/day oral dose in men and women over 50 years of age. It was observed that this dose determined the appearance of DHEA at levels similar to those existing in young people – and this after a period of only 2 weeks. These levels persisted throughout the 6-month study period. Immune function was evaluated by measuring the levels of lymphocytes, T cells and an increase of 67% in men and 84% in women was observed.         But how does the administration of DHEA determine such effects in the body?One of the theories based on studies says that DHEA supplements increase testosterone secretion. More testosterone means more muscle mass and fat burning. The 53-year-old father – of a researcher actively involved in studies related to DHEA – who had recovered after a surgical operation administered 100 mg DHEA/day. The initial levels before DHEA administration were 245 mcg/dl DHEA and 458ng/dl testosterone in the blood. These levels are within normal limits. After 2 months of DHEA administration, blood levels increased to 626mcg/dl in the case of DHEA and 1026ng/dl in the case of testosterone. That day the researcher wrote on his father’s door ‘Raging Bull’! In a study conducted on young adults, doses of 1600mg/day demonstrated a significant decrease in weight by 31% in 28 days plus an increase in muscle mass. However, there are also studies that show weaker results or even the absence of positive results.

Este DHEA intr-adevar eficient? Cu cat persoana este mai in varsta cu atat va beneficia mai mult de administrarea de DHEA. Din ceea ce se stie pana la momentul scrierii acestui articol – nu exista studii care sa evalueze efectele DHEA in cazul atletilor sau culturistilor. De asemenea nu exista studii care sa aprecieze efectele DHEA in privinta culturistilor care isi administreaza steroizi (care supreseaza productia de testosteron natural). Este posibil ca tinerii culturisti sa beneficieze totusi de pe urma utilizarii DHEA, insa supraantrenamentul poate determina supresia/reducerea secretiei de testosteron natural. Exista speculatii privind faptul ca administrarea DHEA ar permite fostilor utilizatori de steroizi sa isi refaca nivlele normale de testosteron!!! Ceea ce reprezinta un lucru fabulos!

Este DHEA sigur(a)?

Deoarece DHEA este un produs relativ puternic unii renunta la utilizarea sa iar altii si-l administreaza cu precautie. Persoanele care sufera de prostata sau afectiuni ca hipertensiunea arteriala vor trebui sa consulte medicul anterior administrarii de DHEA de asemenea la femei poate apare acneea.

Care sunt dozele maxime pe care le poti administra?

The suggestion is that the doses should be 100-200 mg/day for men, taken in 2 halves (in the morning and before going to bed), in the case of women, 25 mg/day is sufficient, some women being able to benefit from results even with 5 mg/day. Groups of bodybuilders who administered mega-doses of 1000mg/day were followed and no fantastic results were observed. Our opinion is that if you take 200mg/day of DHEA and it doesn’t ‘feel’, you won’t get results even with higher doses.